Tips to help you build your website.
I have never had a successful website that wasn't complete, its not by chance either! I am dying to get this
website public, but I know that I need to get this website 100%, people wont come back if they faced a pile of crap
the first time, nobody likes wasting their time on the internet except tabby on youtube.
Know your weaknesses.
I can now make fairly decent websites because I know my limitations, I never do my own artwork because it
would be very detrimental to my website. I am also terrible at gramma and punctuation, so I always try and get my
work proof read.
Its simply about being aware at what areas you are weak in, and the areas you perform in. There is no excuse not
knowing about stuff anymore, because you can google anything. However you may choose to ignore areas because
they bore you or you feel that you want to specialise. Dont forget there are thousands of people on Internet
Marketing forums or webmaster forums, offering free advice.
Why not kick off your website launch by getting it reviewed by other experts. Website Review Digital Point
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